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Add a New Order in the Back Office
Add a New Order in the Back Office

Add an Order in the Back Office for a Spoonfed Customer

Stephen Kuhn avatar
Written by Stephen Kuhn
Updated over a year ago

Read Time: 4 minutes

Customers may contact you to order food for meetings or events. You can easily add these in the Back Office.

Create an Order

  1. Go to Order Module.

  2. Click Add Order on the top right.

Order Details Tab

You'll first be taken to the Order Details Page to input all the necessary information about the Order including the Date, Customer Info, and Payment Method.

Some information is required to input before you can Save and continue with an Order. Click 'Add Order' at the bottom to see all the required information highlighted in red.


Add the Site or Location the Order is being placed for. This will either be one of the Multiple Sites you've set up, or a specified Delivery Zone.

Customer and Contact

  1. As you type the Customer's name in the Customer field, a drop-down appears showing matching Customers to choose from. This only happens if they're already registered in the system.

  2. To add a new Customer, click the Orange Plus Button near the box.

  3. If the Customer and the Contact are the same, the Contact auto-fills. Otherwise, select the Contact whose placing the Order from the drop down options.

  4. Learn more about Customers and Contacts.

Requested Date and Time

Similar to the Online Ordering Site, the Requested Date and Time only shows available dates to choose from. If you see that a requested date isn't available, check your Order Lead Time Settings and Open and Closed Times.

Menus sometimes have their own specific availabilities, which you can learn more about Here.

Select Payment Method

  • Choose which Payment Method the Customer will pay with. Learn more about the different Payment Methods Here.

  • If the Customer is paying with a PO Number and 'On Account' is not an option to select, you need to give that Customer 'On Account' Payment Access. Learn more about that Here.

Once all the necessary information is entered in the Details Tab, click 'Add Order' at the bottom right page.

Item Selection Tab

In Item Selection Tab, you'll enter all the Menu Items, Charges, and Tips a Customer has.

Add Menus

  1. Select 'Add Menu' to add the requested Menus and Items.

  2. Choose the Menu Category the Menu is in.

  3. Select the requested Menu.

  4. A pop-up with the Menu Details appears.

  5. Choose the Quantity of requested Menus.

  6. Add a Bespoke Item if needed.

  7. If a Menu has options to choose from, manually enter the quantity of each choice. These show up in red under the required Menu Items.

  8. Every other included Menu Item automatically has the quantity selected in the overall quantity.

  9. Add Item Notes (ex: no tomatoes on sandwich) by clicking 'Note' near the Quantity Box of each Menu Item.

  10. Once all information is entered, click 'Add to Order' at the bottom.

  11. Once selected, Menus and Items show up under the 'Your Choices' section.

Add Service Charges

  1. Click 'Add Service Charge' to add a Charge to the Order.

  2. Click 'Add New Charge' to add a Charge that you don't see.

  3. Once selected, Charges show up under the Menus in the 'Your Choices' section.

Add Multi-Slots

  1. If Multi-Slots are enabled for your Account, click 'Add Slot' to add a different Fulfillment Time within that same day of the Order.

Review Order Selections

Once all the Menus, Charges, and Slots are added, review them in 'Your Choices.' This functions as the Order Summary to make sure everything your Customer requested is Ordered.

  1. Click the Red X Button to remove a Menu Item.

  2. Click the Orange Pencil Button to Edit a Menu.

  3. 'Unit Price' shows how much one Menu cost.

  4. 'Line Price' shows that Price multiplied by the Quantity selected.

  5. The Order Total show up under the receipt.

  6. Write any additional Delivery Notes or Special Requests at the bottom of the page.

Confirm Order

  1. At any point during the Order, click Save to save a Draft of the Order without confirming or finalizing it.

  2. Once everything is added, click Confirm Order.

    1. Until the Order is Confirmed, it won't appear in Reports or a Delivery Schedule.

  3. Click 'Confirm Order' to get a pop-up asking if you'd like to send a Confirmation Email to the Customer and any Back Office Users set to receive Confirmation Emails.

    1. The Confirmation Email acts as a Receipt for your team and the Customer to look back on.

  4. Click 'Skip Email' to keep the Customer from getting that Email Confirmation.

  5. Click Confirm.

Once the Order is Confirmed, you'll see it on the Calendar, Delivery Schedule, and in Awaiting Payments. You can edit a Confirmed Order if needed.

Additional Tips

  • Check the Messages Tab to see a record of all Emails sent to the Customer and Users.

  • A draft order is an order which has been added to the system and saved but is NOT CONFIRMED.

  • Draft orders appear in red in the Calendar and do not show up in Production or Delivery.

  • Cancel Order on the far left Deletes the Order and removes it from the schedule. Please be careful before canceling an order, as a Cancelled Order can't be undone.

  • If a customer has confirmed the order online and has not attempted to make payment by credit card or the card payment has failed due to a transaction error or the card was rejected - the order will appear in ABANDONED.

  • You will have the option to convert an abandoned order to a live order.

  • You can find the draft orders in DRAFT ORDERS, unpaid credit card orders in AWAITING PAYMENT, unsuccessful online credit card orders in ABANDONED and orders that are edited by customers in CUSTOMER EDITED ORDERS.

That's how to create an Order in the Back Office on Spoonfed!

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