Open Times might vary depending on what type of business you have.
For an individual restaurant, the Open Time is typically the hours that the store is open for Pick-Up or Delivery.
For a catering company that caters to one business, the Open Time might be when the business you cater to is open and service is available.
For accounts with Multiple Sites, Open Times can be adjusted depending on Location or Site. An example is a university campus with several kitchens and service areas.
Add Open and Closed Times
Go to Setup > Online Ordering > Open and Closed.
Click Add Open Time to add restaurant store hours or catering availability times for each day of the week.
The default fulfillment option will include Both for Delivery and Pick-Up. If the Delivery hours differ from Pick-Up availability, you must distinguish that for each available day.
For a Multi-Site setup with different hours per site, add an Open Time for each site's daily hours open. Default Open Times will apply to all Sites.
To Save, click Add Open Time.
To Edit an Open Time, click View/Edit on the right.
To Delete an Open Time, click Delete on the right.
Read how to create date-specific Closed Times in the Calendar Module Here.