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Menu Setup Tips

Maximize the setup of your Menus for Online Ordering

Stephen Kuhn avatar
Written by Stephen Kuhn
Updated over a week ago

Read Time: 5 minutes

Creating a Menu that's not only functional, but easy to order from is essential to getting Customers to order from your site. While Menu creation may seem daunting, understanding the process will help you manage the changing menus of your catering business without missing potential Orders.

Follow these tips to optimize the way a Menu looks and functions on your site.

Open Online Ordering Site while Making Menus

The Back Office Menu Module is great for formatting Menus but it does not always reflect how a Menu will look to the Customer on your Site. Keep the Online Ordering Site open when making Menus to better view how an online Menu functions from a Customer's point of view.

This is also a great way to learn how different formatting tools affect the way a Menu functions from the Customer side. The more you track how the Back Office connects to the Online Ordering Page, the easier it becomes to make Menus.

Use an Appealing Menu Name

The name should explain what the Menu is, but keep the wording appetizing along with informative Yes, Buffet A and B are conventional but try to think of names which make them sound that bit more appetizing.

The Menu Picture is what your Customers see on the Online Ordering Page. A good Menu picture adds color to your Site and entices Customers to buy food.

The picture should match what is actually being served and look appealing to the viewer. Many sites choose to use stock photos. If using pictures of your own food, make sure the image is clear and fully displays the food. The photos should be cohesive and match the type of business you have.

Write a Menu Description

The Description helps Customers understand what type of Menu they are ordering. It also can list important information like a minimum order requirement, portion size, and other included Items.

In addition, you can add Item Descriptions and Production Notes to individual Items, giving your Customers and Staff clear understandings of the food they Order.

Menu Availability allows you to choose when a Menu can be ordered and who can order from it. A Menu won't show up if a date or time outside of its Availability is selected. Similarly, if a Menu is Allocated to a specific Customer, Site, or Location, a user won't see the Menu if they are not logged in as that Customer or ordering from that Site.

If you don't see a Menu that you or a Customer is trying to order, oftentimes it's related to the the Menu Availability not being met.

While the Menu Description explains the entire Menu, an Item Description explains a specific Item within the Menu. Item Descriptions appear in the Online Ordering Site for Customers to view ingredients and gain a better understanding of what they Order.

Item Descriptions don't show up in Production Notes.

Like Item Descriptions, Production Notes are key to describing a Menu Item. The difference is that Customers can't see Production Notes, as they are intended specifically for back-of-house staff. Production Notes help tell your kitchen crew and caterers how to prepare an Item.

Sometimes you can copy the Item Description to the Production Notes if the information is important for both Customers and Caterers to read.

Consider your Kitchen Staff as much as your Customers. Write useful Production Notes that make carrying out an Order all the easier.

If your food contains common allergies like nuts, dairy, eggs, etc, Spoonfed offers the option to list this within each Item. You can also add common Dietary Labels like Vegan, Gluten Free, and Kosher to inform your Customers what Items meet their dietary needs.

Be sure to only add these labels if you're certain that the food meets the standard.

Use Extras and Supplements to Upsell Items

Put an Extras Menu into a Fixed Price Menu to encourage Customers to add on extra Items like drinks, desserts, or sides. This feature makes it easier for Customers to view and order popular Menu Items without having to navigate to a different Menu Category.

Supplements are also a great way to upsell premium Items on a Fixed Price Menu.

Always Save Progress

After making any changes made to one Menu Section, you must click Save Section before moving on to the next Section. If you don't, any details you entered will be lost. This also applies when switching between the Details and Sections and Items Tabs. If you change details in the Details Tab, click Save Menu before moving on.

Frequently saving your progress is a good way to make sure your progress is not lost.

Further Reading:

Menu Terms

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