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Menu Availability

Control the date and time for which a Menu can be available to Order

Stephen Kuhn avatar
Written by Stephen Kuhn
Updated over a year ago

Read Time: 4 minutes

The Menu Availability field allows you to specify the days, dates and time ranges when a Customer can Order a Menu. Not all Menus are available for all hours and days your catering service is open. If you'd like Customers to only Order Brunch on Saturdays and Sundays, you can specify that here.

Watch the short video below for a tutorial on adding Availability to a Fixed Price Menu:

Watch the short video below for a tutorial on adding Availability to an A La Carte Menu:

Customize a Menu's Availability for Specific Dates, Times, and Days

Order Dates

Specify a Date Range when the Menu is available to Order. This range doesn't have to be closed. You can set a Menu to be available at a certain future date without knowing when you'll stop serving the Menu.

  1. Under 'Order Dates,' click the box labeled 'Available From' to specify the earliest day the Menu is available.

  2. Click the box under 'Available Till' to choose the last day the Menu will be available to Order from.

  3. In both cases, a Calendar appears to help you find the exact date.

  4. Click the orange X to remove the date in each box.

Order Days

Choose certain days of the week for when Menus are Available to Order.

  1. Under 'Order Days', click the Drop Down Box and choose each day for the Menu to be available.

  2. The days appear in Orange on the right side.

  3. Click the X in each box to remove a day.

Order Times

Set a daily time frame when a Menu is Available to Order. The Time doesn't have to be closed. You can make a Menu Available from 12pm till Close or from Open until 3pm.

Time Frames are great to set for meal specific Menus like Breakfast or Happy Hour Menus that you'll only serve at certain times of the day.

  1. Click the Drop Down Box under 'Available From' to choose the starting time when the Menu can be Ordered.

  2. Click the Drop Down Box under 'Available To' to choose the time of day when the Menu stops being available to Order.

Menu Availability When Making an Order

If you set up specific Menu Availability, that Menu is only visible if the Customer or Back Office User places an order within that Availability.

A Menu that's set to only be available on the Weekends won't show up on the Online Ordering Site if the User orders for a Tuesday.

Repeating Orders and Menu Availability

Changing Menu Availability can influence whether or not you're able to Repeat an Order. An Order can't be repeated if it has Menus that fall outside the availability of the future Order Date.

Read More About Customizing Menu Availability:

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