While Spoonfed only offers two ways for Customers to specify their Delivery address with Buildings and Rooms, we offer a method to allow Customers to further distinguish where to delivery an Order. This is done by adding a Custom Order Field that further specifies a delivery location.
While it will not show up the same as Buildings and Rooms in Reporting, adding a Location Specific Custom Order Field can allow customers to enter further details about where to deliver their Order.
Use Custom Order Fields to Add a Third Delivery Field
Go to Setup > Features > Custom Order Fields.
Select Add Custom Field.
Enter the Field Name to specify the type of Location. This might be "Floor No."
Choose to display as a 'Drop Down List', which allows you to pre-enter options for the Customer to choose from, or make the Field Type a 'Text', allowing the Customer to enter their own information.
More Customization Options
Check 'Is Required' to require the User to input this information before they can complete Checkout. Check 'Show for Online Orders' to let Customers enter details on the Online Ordering Site.
Check other respective boxes to show the field on different reports.
That's how to add a third Building or Room Option when adding an Order!