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'Card Payments' Report

Create a Report that tracks orders paid by card and how much a Customer spent

Stephen Kuhn avatar
Written by Stephen Kuhn
Updated over a year ago

Read Time: 2 minutes

The Card Payments Report exports an Excel spreadsheet that shows all the Card Sales made through a Payment Gateway within a given time period.

You may also take a look at the Payment Card Transaction Report or the Card Payments by Date Paid Report for more Payment Reports to track Card Sales.

Why Is It Useful?

The Card Payments Report is used to track sales made through a Payment Gateway. This Report only tracks Orders paid for by card. If most or all of payments are taken via debit or credit card, this Report helps with accounting for Total Order Sales. If an Order was paid for 'On Account' or 'Other,' it won't show up in this Report.

Use the Report to track refunds, whether or not a Customer paid, and Total Sales within a given amount of time.

The Card Payments Report organizes payment data by two options:

  • Date Order was Created

  • Date Order was Fulfilled (Delivered or Picked-Up).

The differences between the Card Payments Report and the Card Payments by Date Paid Report are in how the data is arranged.

Card Payments Report: organizes data by the date an Order was created or by the date an Order was fulfilled.

Card Payments by Date Paid Report: organizes data by the Date an Order was paid for.

Make the Report

To generate the Report, go to the Reports Module. Click Card Payments.

  1. A User can view data for Sites that they have User access to. If you want to see a specific Site or Location, select which one, or else select 'All'.

  2. Choose a Date Range when the Order was created, or filter by the Date Range from which an Order Fulfillment Date.

  3. Click Generate Report.

The Report will list the following:

  • Order Number

  • Customer Name

  • Customer Code

  • Delivery Date

  • Total Net Price

  • Tip

  • Total Tax

  • Grand Total

  • Paid by Card (yes or no)

  • Card Type

  • Payment Date

  • Payment Amount

  • Refund Amount (if applicable)

  • Transaction Balance

  • Difference

  • Payment Reference Number (also used to find payments in payment gateway)

  • Cancelation Charges (if applicable)

  • Cancellation Charges Tax

  • Driver Assigned to Order (if applicable)

  • Branch

  • Download Date

  • Site or Location

  • Tags (if applicable)

The Report will look like below:

That is how to make a Card Payments Report!

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