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Discount Voucher

Add a Percentage Discount or Gift Card to give to Customers

Stephen Kuhn avatar
Written by Stephen Kuhn
Updated over a week ago

Read Time: 1 minute

Discount Vouchers are a great way to give Customers Discounts, Vouchers, or Gift Cards to use on an Order. Discount Vouchers are Discounts that reduce an Order price by a percentage.

  1. Go to the Setup > Features > Discount Voucher.

  2. Click Add Voucher.

  3. Enter Voucher Details as needed.

Discount Voucher Details

  • Voucher Code: A Voucher Name. How you want to refer to the Voucher and the name or number you give to Customer Contacts to use at Checkout.

  • Valid From and To: Date range when the Voucher will be available to use.

  • Order From and To: Date range of Order Fulfillment Dates when a Voucher can be used.

  • Single Use: Can be used by a Customer Contact only once.

    When all the necessary details are entered, click Save Voucher.

Discount Vouchers show up like this:

  • To Edit the details, click View/Edit.

  • To Delete the Voucher, click Delete.

That's how to add a Discount Voucher!

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