To go to the Calendar Module and see a schedule of the Day's, Week's, or Month's upcoming Orders, select the Calendar icon at the top right of the screen.
Here, view Orders that are Confirmed, Unconfirmed, and Quotes. Today's date is highlighted in light yellow.
Order Codes
Confirmed Orders: Blue
Quotes: Yellow
If you have approver dashboard set up, Orders Pending Approval are Yellow, Orders Approved are Green.
Filter Orders by Location
Filter Orders by different Sites or Locations by clicking through the Site box.
View Calendar by Day, Week, Month
View Calendar by Month, Week, or Day by clicking one of the icons at the top left.
View Orders for a Day
Click on a 'Confirmed,' or 'Unconfirmed' box to view all the orders of that category for a given day. Click the Site, I can see all orders for that day, within that location. Clicking the Order takes you to the specific Order Details Page.
Closed Times and Appointments
Useful when you have one-off dates that the store will be closed or a staff member will be busy. For setting up standard Open and Closed Times, go to Setup > Online Ordering > Open and Closed.
Add a Closed Time
Add a Closed Time
A Closed Time is helpful if you need to change the hours for your company for one specific date, but don't want to alter all the hours. This is especially useful for holidays.
If your store will be closed for a certain day, click 'Add Closed Time'. Enter the Date Range when the Site is closed. If this Closed Time is for only a specific Site, indicate that on the right. Otherwise, the Closed Time applies to all Sites.
If the Site will be closed on a consecutive basis, such as every Saturday for the next month, you must enter each Closed Time separately into the Calendar.
Add an Appointment
Add an Appointment
An Appointment can account for important dates
Click 'Add Appointment' to add.
Enter the Date and the other necessary details
Appointments and Closed Times show up like this:
Keep track of upcoming Orders by frequently checking your Spoonfed Calendar. That way, you'll know what Orders are approaching and you won't miss a thing!
To manage standard Open and Closed Times, Click Here.