The Delivery Module can help plan DoorDash Drive deliveries with just a few clicks. You must first have the DoorDash Integration enabled in DoorDash.
Read how to manage a standard Delivery Schedule Here.
To read more about how to set up DoorDash Drive, Click Here.
Add DoorDash Drivers
Go to the Delivery Module.
If DoorDash is set to the 'Default Delivery Service', DoorDash will default as the chosen delivery method. Doordash shows up as the 'Driver.'
If DoorDash is not the 'Default Delivery Service', manually go through each Order to select the ones you want to be serviced by DoorDash. Select 'DoorDash' as the Driver.
Once you've selected the Driver for each Order, click 'Assign to Drivers' to create your Delivery schedule.
Click Send to DoorDash to send the Order details to DoorDash. A request will send to DoorDash Drive to schedule chosen deliveries.
Once 'Send to Doordash' is clicked, you can watch the progress as the request is completed. Delivery Sent will indicate that the request finalized.
Please contact a Customer Support Partner if you need more help setting up DoorDash Drive.
Further Reading About Delivery