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Create an Invoice

Provide accurate invoices to your customers, who don't pay by credit card but on Account or Other method, to help you get paid on time.

Stephen Kuhn avatar
Written by Stephen Kuhn
Updated over a year ago

Reading Time: 2 minutes

An Invoice is used when you have a Customer Pay by Account or Other. Invoices help with accounting and keeping track of customers that have paid through or outside of Spoonfed with a Purchase Order Number, a Credit Card, or another form of payment. Oftentimes, we use the Invoice Module for Orders paid for By Account with a Purchase Order Number.

In the Spoonfed Back Office, select the Invoice Module.

You'll be taken to the Awaiting Invoice Page. Awaiting Invoice shows all Orders that are selected to Pay By Account or Other and have yet to have an Invoice made. The Search Filters can help you search for and locate specific Orders to Invoice.

After entering a filter parameter, click Search.

  • Once you find the Order, check the box near the Order you want to Invoice.

  • Check the box at the top to select all the invoices on one page. This will allow you to create multiple, separate invoices at once.

  • Click the eye icon to Preview what the Invoice will look like before you finalize.

  • Click Invoice to generate the Invoice. Make sure all the information shown is correct. Once an Invoice is created, the Order can't be edited. You must Void an Invoice to edit the Order. To read how to Void an Invoice, Click Here.

When all information is correct, click Create Invoice.

To find the Invoice, click the Invoices Tab Under the Invoice Module.

You can use the same parameters to search for individual Invoices. Scrolling down, find the Invoice you created. Click Print Selected to Print or Download a pdf of the Invoices selected. Click Export Selected to download an excel file with data for the Invoices selected.

Click Email Selected to Email the Invoices to a chosen email address.

To the right of an individual Invoice, click the Mail Button to send an email to a chosen email address. Send the Invoice to multiple email addresses by separating the addresses with a comma. Edit the email message as needed. Click Send.

Invoices that have been Printed, Exported, or Emailed will display a Y under the corresponding column.

Click the eye icon to View and Edit the Invoice. After editing the Invoice, click Save Changes.

Multi Invoicing

To assign multiple Orders to one Invoice, you need to have Multi-Invoicing turned on. To turn on Multi-Invoicing, speak with a manager for help or read the article Here.

If you have Multi-Invoicing enabled, Click Here to learn how to use it.

Additional Information

In the Customer Module, add Invoice Notes in the profile to remember Customer preferences when Invoicing.

If you Void an Invoice, remember to reflect this in your accounting!

More Articles about Invoicing:

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