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'Top Stock Items' Report

View your top-selling items and see how much each is contributing to revenues.

Stephen Kuhn avatar
Written by Stephen Kuhn
Updated over a year ago

Read Time: 2 minutes

The Top Stock Items report exports an Excel document that lists data relating to the most commonly ordered Menu Items within a given amount of time. This can be useful for gaging not only the most common Menus, but the Items themselves that are Ordered from these Menus.

Why Is It Useful?

It's particularly useful if you use more A La Carte Menus with individual Items ordered within one Menu. It is also useful if you have many Fixed Price Menus that contain several options of food to choose from. Knowing what Menu Items Customers Order helps a caterer understand what food to keep producing and what might be better to discontinue. It can also be useful to follow seasonal trends, when different Items sell better depending on the Date Range.

Make the Report

To generate the Report, go to the Reports Module. Click Top Stock Items.

  1. In the 'No. of Results' box, choose the Top Number of Items to display. For this example, we're viewing the Default, Top 10 Menus.

  2. Select two Date Ranges to compare. If you only want to see the Top Stock Items for only one range, select a few days for the second date and ignore it in the Report.

  3. A User can view data for Sites that they have User access to. If you want to see a specific Site or Location, select which one, or else select 'All'.

  4. Click Generate Report.

The report lists the following:

  • Stock Item

  • Total Order Value

  • Order Value as a Percentage of the Report

  • Number of Orders Made with that Item

  • Total Items Sold

  • Average Value of the Orders that included the Item in each Time Period.

The first Date Range will be listed above the second Date range, with several blank rows separating them.

That is how to create a Top Stock Items Report!

Further Information About How to Use the Report

Note that the Total Order Value for a Stock Item that's part of a Fixed Price Menu shows the Total Value of the whole Menu, not the individual Item. Therefore, the Report is best used to see what Items within a Fixed Price Menu Customers most often choose. It's also best if you use more A La Carte Menus, in which the individual Item each has it's own price separate from the Menu.

If your business uses more standard Fixed Price Menus, or if you want to see the Top Sales of overall Menus, not the individual Food Items, the Top Menus Report might be more useful.

Learn more about making Menu Items to easier manage what you sell.

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