Along with adding Multiple Orders on one Invoice, Spoonfed allows you to quickly create Multiple Individual Invoices at once. Simply check each Order to Invoice in the Awaiting Invoice Tab, then click Invoice Selected.
A great way to save time is to search for a specific group of Orders that need to be invoiced. Multiple search filters can be used at once to find specific types of Orders to Invoice. This can include:
Date Range
Customer Orders
Orders for only one Site/Location.
Follow the Steps Below for Further Instruction:
Find and Group the Orders to Invoice
Find and Group the Orders to Invoice
Start by clicking Invoice Module, then the Awaiting Invoice Tab.
Search for a specific group of Awaiting Invoices, like all Orders from one Customer.
Make Separate Invoices for Multiple Orders
Make Separate Invoices for Multiple Orders
Check the boxes near the Order to select it to Invoice.
Check the box at the top of the columns to select all the Orders on the page.
Click Invoice Selected.
A pop-up appears, showing how many separate Invoices there are to process.
Click Create Invoices.
You'll now find the Invoices in the Invoices Tab.