The Payments Made for Orders Not Despatched Report downloads an Excel spreadsheet that shows Orders that have been paid for, but their Delivery or Pick-Up Date (Fulfillment Date) has not yet occurred.
Why Is It Useful?
If your business tends to take payments for Orders before they're fulfilled, it's a good way to account for revenue made by future Orders.
To generate the Report, go to the Reports Module. Click Payments Made for Orders Not Despatched.
A User can view data for Sites that they have User access to. If you want to see a specific Site or Location, select which one, or else select 'All'.
Choose a Date Range by which to view the Orders.
Click Generate Report.
The Report lists the following:
Order Number
Customer Name
Customer Code
Delivery Date
Total Net
Total Tax
Grand Total
Paid by Card (yes or no)
Amount Paid
Purchase Order Number (if applicable)
Status (Confirmed, Unconfirmed, Cancelled)
Despatch Type (Pick-Up or Delivery)
Delivery Address 1 -4 (if applicable)
Delivery City (if applicable)
Delivery Postcode (if applicable)
Download Date of the Report
Site or Location
The Report will look like below:
That is how to generate a Payments Made for Orders Not Despatched Report!