Read Time: 4 minutes
Customer Analysis fields are a way to track and analyze customer behavior. They allow you to note any extra information for each Customer that's not automatically collected by Spoonfed. These details show up in the Customer's profile in Back Office and help you categorize certain Customers.
For example, some Customers might prefer to have a separate Invoice for each Order whilst others want Multi-Order Invoices. You can set up a Drop Down Field with the options 'Single Order' or 'Multi Order'. You can then search by this preference in the Invoice module and in Reports.
Add a Customer Analysis Field
Go to Setup > Features > Customer Analysis.
Click Add Analysis Field.
Add a name to describe how you are defining this Customer categorization. You can create three different types of Analysis Fields:
Text Box
Drop Down
Make the field required or optional to enter when creating a new Customer.
Click Add Field.
Date Analysis Field
Date Analysis Field
For a Date fields, you might record the date each Customer started Ordering with you. On this date, you can message them or send a promo on the anniversary.
All added Analysis Fields show up in the main Customer Analysis Fields Page:
Find Customer Analysis Fields within a Customer Profile
Find Customer Analysis Fields within a Customer Profile
Only Back Office Users can view Customer Analysis Fields. This means that Customers can't see them on their profile.
Report Setup
Report Setup
Analysis Fields appear as optional columns to add to the Production Export in Setup > Features > Report Setup. Read more about setting up a Production Report Here.
That's how to add and use Customer Analysis Fields!