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'Customer Progress' Report

Track the rise (growth) and loss (slippage) of Order Sales from Customers over a set period of time and months

Stephen Kuhn avatar
Written by Stephen Kuhn
Updated over a year ago

Read Time: 2 minutes

The Customer Progress report exports an Excel spreadsheet showing changes in revenue coming from your customers over two selected periods of time.

Why Is It Useful?

This Report is useful if you have a Sales Team that wants to track how much sales growth or loss has occurred over a set amount of time.

Make the Report

To generate the Report, go to the Reports Module. Click Customer Progress.

  1. If you want to see a specific Site or Location, select which one, or else select 'All'. A user will only be able to view data for Sites that the User has access to.

  2. Choose the starting Month by which to view the Customer Progress. The column 'Preceding Months" is where you can enter how many months following you want to see the progress data for. If I select the month Jan 2023, then enter 3 into the proceeding months, I will see Customer Progress from January till April.

  3. The Type of Report can track Growth, and Slippage.

    1. Slippage indicates loss of Customer Sales.

    2. Growth tracks for the rise of Sales among Customers.

  4. The 'Level' field determines the percentage Growth or Slippage that the report measures by.

  5. Once all necessary information is entered, click Generate Report.

The Report lists the following:

  • Customer Name

  • Customer's Total Order Value that Month

  • Average Value Customer's Orders Over a Chosen Number of Preceding Months

  • Difference in Value Between the Compared Months 

  • Percentage of Change.

A Growth Report will look like this:

A Slippage Report will look like this:

That is how to create a Customer Progress Report!

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