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The New Customer Orders report exports an Excel spreadsheet showing the first order of each new customer that has order with Spoonfed over a chosen period of time.
Why Is It Useful?
The Report is useful to track what New Customers are ordering, how much they spend, and if people that recently signed up are actually placing Orders. Since we want to keep our New Customers, and get repeat Orders from them, tracking how they Order can be a useful tool.
Make the Report
To generate the Report, go to the Reports Module. Select New Customer Orders.
Select a Joined Since and Joined Before date window. You can see New Customers from the past week, or the past several months. By default, the Report generates dates by the previous week.
Click Generate Report to download the Excel file.
The Report will list the following:
Order Number
Customer Name
Customer Code
Contact First Name
Contact Last Name
Billing Addresses 1-4
Billing City
Billing Post Code
Delivery Addresses 1-4
Delivery City
Delivery Post Code
Contact Email
Contact Mobile
Delivery Date
Total Net
Total Tax
Grand Total
Paid by Card (yes or no)
Payment Type
Download Date
Special Allergens or Diets
Invoice Type
Custom Fields if Applicable
This report will only list new customers that have completed an order. Any customers who have registered but not ordered won't show up. As such, it's a good way to track Customers that hav signed up but not Ordered.
That is how to generate a New Customer Orders Report!