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All CollectionsProduction Module
Item Production Reports
Item Production Reports

A guide to running reports with a list of items/products required for the day ahead

Stephen Kuhn avatar
Written by Stephen Kuhn
Updated over a year ago

Read Time: 2 minutes

Spoonfed makes it easy to print off Production sheets showing all the Item information for a selected period of time. Production Reports include orders for both pick-up and delivery.

Watch the video tutorial to learn how to filter Production Reports by Item Type:

Print Production Reports Organized by Item

  1. By default, the Production Module displays Items 'By Order'.

  2. Click the drop down box in 'Display View' to change this to 'By Item'.

  3. Filter any other information needed to make the report.

    1. Select the Date Range for which you want to see the report, or even choose an Order Numbers range.

    2. You can make this more even precise using the Requested Time fields.

  4. When every filter field is filled in, click Search.

The relevant Items shown are sorted by Delivery Time. You can choose to view a PDF Report by Item Detail or Item Summary. To see an Item in the Report, make sure the orange box under 'Show On Report' is checked. Otherwise, that Item is excluded.

Item Summary Report

Summarizes the amount of each Item to be produced for the date in the search criteria. This is a total of Items to be produced across all Orders.

If five customers order 20 croissants for a single day, the Item Summary report would show 100 croissants.

Item Detail Report

Summarizes the amount of each Item and includes a break down of Items needed for each Order.

If 5 Orders have a total of 100 croissants the individual Orders are listed under each Item.

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